International School of Baking
Savories: Minimum 3 days, up to 5 days.
Home Baking with a Flair: We can go in any direction to make your home baking more enjoyable, more professional with less mess and bother, with show stopping results. Two days and up.
Plated Desserts: Incorporating Isomalt, chocolate work, learning how to use many new and sophisticated baking techniques and developing an eye for the art. Minimum 3 days.
Bakery Startup: You can be confident that our staff knows what it takes to start a successful bakery and have worked with entrepreneurs all over the world to that end. Each four week course is tailored to the needs of the individual student and their individual goals. The International School of Baking is the only school that customizes courses to fit student needs and we are the only school that teaches one-on-one for optimal success. The following coursework is suggested:
If wedding cakes will be a part of your bakery's opening offerings an additional 5 days will be necessary to cover additional techniques, totaling 25 days. Many people open with the 20 day course then after the bakery is up and running (about 4 months later) they return for an additional 5 to 10 days of wedding and special occasion cakes.